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What is Libra coin (LBR)?

Libra coin (LBR) is a token developed on the Libra blockchain. It’s fully secured by a portfolio of assets with low volatility in monetary terms. When Libra will be launched? Libra will be launched in 2020. Calibra, a Facebook-based subsidiary, will provide financial services. Users will pay with a cryptocurrency through a special wallet.

How to buy & trade Libra coin?

Keep reading to find out how you can buy and trade Libra Coin today. The Libra Method website is currently the only platform where you can buy and trade Libra Coin outside of the U.S. It is worth noting that this platform is not a crypto exchange or brokerage service. Rather, it is an automated trading robot.

What is Libra cryptocurrency?

As aforementioned, Libra is a cryptocurrency by Facebook. This coin has been causing waves within the crypt world and is touted to become one of the most successful digital currencies over the next few years. Libra is no different from other existing cryptocurrencies, in that, it operates without a central bank.

Can you buy libra coins through a Calibra wallet?

In the future, when the Calibra wallet launches, users will also be able to buy Libra coins and hold them or use them for transactions. Buying Libra through the wallet will require users to sign up for an account and verify their identity using a government-issued IDs.

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